iBarcoder Frequently Asked Questions
- How to begin with iBarcoder (Windows barcode generator) software?
- How to make UPC A barcode with 12 characters?
- Does your Windows barcode software allow to save the QR Code in a vector format?
- Does your barcode generator allow to save to a generated QR Code and then edit it later?
- Does the Windows barcode software do the new "intelligent bar code"?
- How to make ISBN-13 barcode correctly?
- Can't find a label format in the format list?
- How to change font size for generated barcode?
- How to generate QR Code barcode for sms eg. number and message?
- How to generate QR Code for url, phone, youtube, and email?
- How to keep the same QR Code, but change the URL link to something different later on?
Please, just how to begin with iBarcoder !? I have some Code128 to do and I don't know how to begin with iBarcoder. I create a new Format A4, with 2 columns and 5 rows and try to fill up with a text file with 10 numbers!
1. add barcode object to your label. For this click on the barcode icon on the toolbar, then to your label.
2. double click the barcode, and change the barcode type to Code 128 in the Properties panel.
3. Find the Serialization section in the Properties panel, and change Serialize to TRUE.
4. Set the mode to Text File Data, then click Browse, and navigate to your file with 10 numbers.
5. Print your barcoded labels.
As far as I can tell UPC A is supposed to use 12 characters but your software is looking for 11, 13, or 16.
Users should enter 11, 13, or 16. digits. The extra digit is the check code that the product calculates and adds automatically. So you get 12, 14 or 17 digits code.
Hi guys, Have downloaded the demo version for now, got to say I so far am impressed with the product.... The problem is that when inputting my code into iBarcoder using just EAN13 my barcodes are incorrect, have extra digits.
The extra digit is the check code that the product calculates and adds automatically. Please make sure that you EAN 13 data contains 12, 14, or 17 digits.
Does your software allow me to save the QR Code in a vector format?
Yes, you can export QR Codes as EMF files.
Does your software allow me to save to a generated QR Code...and then edit it later...say for example someone changes there website address or wants to use it to promote a coupon at a later time? Can I use the same generated pattern only now change the content?
Yes, you can save your file in the iBarcoder format. Next time, you can open this file, make the changes to the barcode, and export or print it again.
Does the ibarcoder do the new "intelligent bar code"?
Yes, Intelligent Mail barcode is in the Barcodes list.
When I generate an ISBN-13 barcode in the demo version of ibarcoder the price code is not accurate. The price code is supposed to begin with a 5 and it doesn't. For instance code 978-0-06-198570-6 with a price of 13.99 ends up with as below. The price code is 61399 but it should be 51399.
Please do not add the check digit (last 6) to the code data, it is calculated automatically. Also, add the full price add-on 51399 instead of just 1399. More info on How to make ISBN barcode quickly web page.

I am trying to make a barcode to fit on Avery 5195. I cannot find the label in the listing. Do you have the parameters or a workaround?
Please use the custom format feature :
1. Switch to Custom tab in the label formats list, and click the New Format button,
2. Fill the information to the format dialog box, identical to that on the image below, and click OK,
3. Select the format in the custom formats list.
Is there a way to make the barcode human readable text font size smaller?
Yes, it's easy.
1. Select your barcode object
2. Switch to the Text Properties in the Object Information panel,
3. Use the Font Size Slider to change the text size, or, alternatively, click the Show Fonts button, and make the desirable settings in the Fonts panel.
I have made URL QR Codes in iBarcoder. How do I make a code for sms eg. number and message? Thanks
You should create the QR Code and add the next data: SMSTO:phone_number:your_message.
How to generate QR Code for url, phone, youtube, and email?
In addition to encoding sms messages shown above, there are other useful QR Code templates:
URL - http://www.sitename.com
EMail - mailto:name@sitename.com
Phone - tel:phone_number
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Video_Id"
How to keep the same QR Code, but change the URL link to something different later on?
You should create a 'URL Shortener' using the correspondent service (google 'URL shortener' in your web browser). Encode the shortened url. Later, if you need to change the link, edit the shortener contents.
If you were not able to find the answer to your question, please send a message to our support, and the problem will be solved as soon as possible!
QR Code is registered trademark of Denso Wave Inc.