Mac Label Maker Frequently Asked Questions
- How to create Address label.
- Are the databases we have created for the Mac version usable on the Windows version.
- How do I get the database I want to use.
- How do I make a single address print duplicates.
- How can I change "Zip", "State" in US format.
How to make Address label
For more information on how to make address label web page.
Hi, We are switching our label printer to a Windows machine. Are the databases we have created for the Mac version usable on the Windows version.
Yes, the database files are compatible with both Mac and Windows versions of the HomePrint Labels
How do I get the database I want to use to appear in the print preview window so I can print out my labels on my Avery 5160 labels?
1. Please switch to the Database view, and open your database by clicking on it in the database list,
2. Switch then to the Label view and select either Add Database Field, or Add Quick Address menu option from the Object menu, and click on the label to place the object,
3. Switch to the Preview screen, set the From: and To: record to be printed (optional), and click Print.
I made an address label in a new database with one address and I want to print it 200x. How do I make a single address print duplicates?
1. Please switch to the Database view, you select the Return Address screen,

2. Switch then to the Label screen, select the desired label format, and add database field objects,
3. Switch to the Preview screen, set the From: to zero and To: to 200, and click Print.

The State and ZIP fields allow entering data in US format. How can I change this?
1. Please switch to the Database view, and select a database,
2. Select Preferences... from the HomePrint Labels menu,
3. Click on the Verification tab, and select International

If you were not able to find the answer to your question, please send a message to our support, and the problem will be solved as soon as possible!