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Mega Fifteen.

Mega Feefteen is a sliding square puzzle, a superset if the Feefteen Puzzle, One of the World's Best Known Puzzles. It  consists of  9, 15, 24, and 35 numbered squares that are placed in a 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, and 6x6 leaving one position empty. more...

Version: 1.2.1 
View in iPhone App Store

iBarcoder for iOS

iBarcoder for iOS is advanced barcode generator and scanner software.

Generated barcodes can be varied by size, color, and font, saved as image files, or shared. Barcode data can be saved to history database if the appropriate preference settings are made. You can set the image format for barcode saving, barcode image resolution (for JPEG and PNG). Also, settings to automatically open scanned urls, or add scanned images to Photos can be made.


Version: 1.3.7 
View in iPhone App Store