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The Find and Find All commands can be used to search through the database, locate, and move to a record based on a find criteria. Choosing Find from the Database menu activates the dialog box allowing you to enter the search criteria. Enter text into the fields so that it contains the text you want to match for that field. For example, if you're trying to find a person in your database whose last name is "Anderson," you could click on the Last Name field and enter the word "Anderson". Or, you could enter just the characters common to all the people you're trying to find.

For example, you could just enter "son" to find all the people whose Last Names contain these three letters. Also, you could find all the people in ZIP codes 55401 - 55499 by entering just "554" in the Zip field. After deciding on your find criteria, you must decide how you want the search to be conducted.

The selected records appear in the Browser. The number of records in the viewable database is displayed at the bottom of the Browser Window. Using the Find All and View Groups features allows you to work with, manipulate and print a subset of records in your database without affecting the rest of the database. When you are done, you can end the Find All command by selecting the Show All Records menu item from the Database menu.

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