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Shortcuts with the Keyboard
File menu
New... Command - N
Open... Command - O
Save Command - S
Save As... Command - Shift - S
Page Setup... Command - Shift - P
Print... Command - P
Edit menu
Undo Command - Z
Redo Command - Shift - Z
Cut Command - X
Copy Command - C
Paste Command - V
Delete Command - D
Duplicate Command - Shift -D
Replicate Command - Shift - R
Select All Command - A
Object menu
Lock Command - L
Center Object Command - Control - C
Bring To Front Command - Shift - F
Bring Forward Command - Options - B
Send To Back Command - Shift - B
Send Backward Command - Options - B
Show Fonts Command - T
Show Color Command - Shift - C
Object Info Command - Shift - O
Image Effects Command - Shift - I
View menu
Zoom Out Control - +
Zoom In Control - -
Actual Size Control - 0
Show Ruler Command - R
Formats Control - Shift - F
Templates Control - Shift - T
Images Control - Shift - I
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