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Please test our products before purchasing. Unregistered versions of products are fully functional demo programs. To get the full version of a product you will need the product activation key, which is given on-line on a secure web page right after the purchasing of a product.




Is it secure to pay on-line trough your payment system?
We use one of the most secure methods for purchasing over the Web. All transactions placed with us have their info transferred using PayPal or SWREG SSL encryption. We utilize a E-Merchant solutions merchant account where further encryption is used to send data to verify credit card information and to transfer funds over a 128-bit secure line from your bank to ours!.
Finally, no credit card info is stored on our servers except for subscription orders, and that is further encrypted via the latest database encryption methods. All our online security systems are on continually updated UNIX Web Servers and are hosted on one of the nation's most secure, and reliable Web hosting firms. We do this to give the customer as much security as possible while maintaining our current level of service.
All of these measures are upgraded periodically to ensure the highest level of security with customer data.
I have put in the code that was given me before the download and it tells me this is the wrong code. How do I get the program to work?
The number is correct, the typing error could occur when entering it into the Serial Number dialog box. Please hilite it and then copy to the clipboard, launch the product, and paste to the edit field.

How can I link to the Cristallihgt web site?
The Cristallight Inc. welcomes links from other websites.

to place this banner

Cristallight 468*60 banner

insert this HTML code:

<a href="" target="_top"><img src="" alt="" width="468" height="60" border="1"></a>

to place this banner

Cristallight 120*60 banner

insert this HTML code:

<a href="" target="_top"><img src="" alt="" width="120" height="60" border="1"></a>

to place this banner

Cristallight 88*31 banner

insert this HTML code:

<a href="" target="_top"><img src="" alt="" width="88" height="31" border="1"></a>

I lost my custom label formats after iBarcoder (10.3) new version reinstallation?
In the version before 2.3.0 we've saved this information in file "custom.plist" into application bundle. Now we store it in the same folder as iBarcoder. To use previously saved file start unix terminal and copy file "custom.plist" from old app bundle to iBarcoder v2.3.0 application folder.