Free Online QRCode Generator

Enter URL

QR Code is registered trademark of Denso Wave Inc.

Information about Cristallight free QR code generator

   You can generate free QR codes on our website. A QR code is a two dimensional barcode that stores information in black and white dots. Just enter your text, your URL, a SMS, a Phone, E-Mail, WiFi, Geo location, vCard or Event (VCalendar) information. The QR code will be generated automatically as you click on "GENERATE" button". You can place and use the QR graphic on bооklets, posters, business cards or other products for free.

Short usage instructions:

1. Enter text or paste it in the given text fields.
2. Click GENERATE button to create QR code.
3. To download after generating your QR code, right click and choose “Save Image As”.

   To make your QR code even better, you can also get a QR code with logo using iBarcoder application for MacOS and Windows. Barcode generator allows you create any number of individual or sequential barcodes, and print them as colorful barcode labels in your own style, of any size, or shape, or save them as graphic image files in all common image formats. The application supports about 40 barcode types, the most popular ones are QR Code, ISBN, UPC, EAN, CodaBar, Code128, Code39, Code93, MSI, PostNet, GS1-128, SSCC-18, GTIN-14, GS1-Databar, and DataMatrix.

iBarcoder application

iBarcoder icon

Price:$39.95    Version: 1.3.7
iBarcoder Box icon

Price: $49.95    Version: 3.9.4

$10 (2- 3 copies)
$15 (4-10 copies)

Windows 98/XP/Vista/Seven
64 megabytes of RAM
12 megabytes of hard disk drive space.
Mac OS X 10.7 or later
Ready for MacOS X 10.12
20 MB of hard disk drive space.
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