How to use Mail Merge on mac with Labels and Databases
You can use the mail merge feature in the Labels and Databases to create personalized letters, cards, invitations, etc., such as form letters that
are printed and sent to different people at the same time.
A template document should have placeholders that correspond to database fields of the current database. This means that the letters,
created with this template will contain the same kind of information, yet some of the content will be unique. For example, you can personalize each
letter to address each customer. So, you can use this feature to quickly create personalized messages for hundreds of people at once.
Mail merge using Labels and Databases can be accomplished in three simple steps:
- Create a label, card, letter, etc., template. It should contain a text object, with the database field placeholders in it.
- Select a database, which contains the relevant information for each individual you are messaging to be merged into the template. Filter the list of recipients using the database filtering options.
- Preview and complete the mail merge. You can preview each copy of the document before you print the whole set. Then send the document to printing.